SK 45
This roller shutter system features a unique box with a 45-degree slope on the outside. This is a perfect choice for those who prefer a bold finish with sharp lines. These roller shutters are intended for direct wall mounting or, with a universal adapter, within the window recesses.

Shutter sections: Aluminium PU-foam filled sections, plastic sections, or extruded sections;
- 39 mm
- 52 mm,
- 9 mm
- 13 mm
Box form: sloped
Box design: aluminium sheet, size: 137x137, 150x150, 165x165, 180x180, or 205x205
with roller insect screen: 165x165, 180x180, or 205x205
Curtain type: aluminium or PVC
Access hatch: 1, on the window outside
Guide rails: aluminium
Installation anchor bolts: no
Weather-resistant: yes
Sound-proof: no
Thermal insulation: no
Drive: electric motor or manual gear
Roller insect screen: optional
Max. box width: 4500 mm
Min. box width: 500 mm
The width and height of the integrated roller insect screen is restricted.